Parenting has evolved over the years, with various approaches and philosophies emerging to address the ever-changing needs of children and families. Recently, a unique trend has been gaining momentum among modern moms: the “Panda” approach to parenting. Keep reading to find out why many moms are incorporating this new philosophy into their parenting styles.

Father and son in park. FREEPIK.COM

The term might sound like a passing fad or a cute marketing gimmick, but it is actually rooted in a deeper philosophy that prioritizes calmness, mindfulness, and balance, putting a child’s independence at the forefront of their development.

What is the Panda philosophy to parenting and where did it come from?

The “Panda” approach philosophy comes from the book, written by Esther Wojcicki, “How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results“. The 84-year-old journalist and educator, is mom to two 2 daughters: 23andMe co-founder Anne Wojcicki and the late Susan Wojcicki, former CEO of YouTube.

“Panda moms aren’t lazy,” Wojcicki told the New Zealand Herald in an interview. “What they do is give children scaffolding to let them go free. Instead of always intervening, you only help when they need it.”

She continued, stressing, that “your control over your child is over by the time they’re 14,” and past that point, you can only respect your kids’ ideas and preferences, otherwise communication shuts down, just when they most need your support. … The key to happiness is a sense of power over your life, and I think a lot of people feel they don’t have that.”

Toddler walking for first time. Freepik.com

How can parents begin to implement this parenting philosophy into their households?

Well, first, parents must remember the key elements of this particular parenting style, TRICK, an acronym, created by Wojcicki, which means: trust, respect, independence, collaboration, and kindness.

Wojcicki told the Irish Independent in an interview that, “When you believe in your child, they believe in themselves. And when you give them the opportunity to do things they become more independent.”

Try adding these tools to your parenting toolbox in order to adopt a “Panda-mom” approach to your parenting lifestyle:

  • Use gentle guidance: Pandas are calm and have a non-aggressive nature, this style emphasizes guiding children with patience, love, and understanding. Instead of resorting to harsh discipline, encourage good behavior through positive reinforcement, calm discussions, and empathy.
  • Try to foster a sense of independence for your children: Pandas are solitary animals that thrive in their own space. Similarly, encourage children to be independent, fostering self-sufficiency and decision-making skills. Give them opportunities to solve problems on their own while providing support when needed.
  • Provide children with balanced structure: Although Pandas enjoy freedom, they also have routines that are essential to their well-being. Implement a balance between structured activities and free time for your children, allowing them to follow some routines while also having room for creativity and exploration.
Photo Credit: FreePik.com

  • Model emotional regulation: Pandas are known for their calm demeanor, so modeling emotional regulation is key. Help your children navigate their emotions with self-control, showing them healthy ways to express and deal with feelings.
  • Create a nurturing environment: Create a nurturing and secure home environment, similar to the way Pandas provide care for their young. Foster an atmosphere where children feel safe, loved, and accepted, allowing them to thrive emotionally and mentally.
  • Encourage children to be curios and explore: Just like Pandas explore their surroundings, encourage curiosity in your children. Allow them the freedom to explore their interests and passions, and support their learning in a variety of ways.
Young boy exploring different activity outside. FREEPIK.COM

The world in which we live often feels fast-paced and stressful, the Panda approach to parenting provides a refreshing alternative. By embracing calmness, mindfulness, and balance, moms are creating environments where both they and their children can flourish.

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