Extended-cycle birth control pills: Is spotting common?

Extended-cycle birth control pills: Is spotting common?

Is breakthrough bleeding more likely with extended-cycle birth control pills, such as Seasonale, Jolessa and others? Answer From Tatnai Burnett, M.D. Yes. Spotting or bleeding between periods, also called breakthrough bleeding, is more likely with extended-cycle birth control pills than with traditional monthly pill packs. But breakthrough bleeding can happen with any birth control pill,…

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Teething: Tips for soothing sore gums

Teething: Tips for soothing sore gums

Teething: Tips for soothing sore gums Is your teething baby keeping you up at night? Understand how to soothe sore gums and care for your baby’s new teeth. By Mayo Clinic Staff When a baby’s teeth start coming through the gums, it’s known as teething. Teething might make your baby drool, act cranky and want…

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Indians angry at concert facilities

Indians angry at concert facilities

X/diljitdosanjh Crowds at Diljit Dosanjh’s recent concert in Chandigarh complained of poor facilities When Amrita Kaur decided to attend Punjabi pop star Diljit Dosanjh’s concert in India this month, she was prepared to experience some discomfort. Having attended several concerts in the past, Ms Kaur was sort of looking forward to the “exhilarating chaos” that…

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